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         Professionalism is important no matter what profession one pursues. However, as a Teacher it is essential to maintain not only a professional appearance, but proper preparation, punctuality, and maintaining a good precedent overall. Professionalism also goes outside the classroom, as professional development is vital, as a teacher is a lifelong learner.
            I present my professionalism as a teacher through my attire, preparation, punctuation and setting an example of a good precedent.  I think this is important because, this helps students, parents, and administrators see me as a professional teacher. One example, of how I maintain my professional image is through communication. I facilitate this communication by letters to parents and communication via Classroom Dojo.
            Another example of how I present my professionalism as a teacher that I am committed to is, professional development. I have attended numerous trainings, and conferences to expand my knowledge in the teaching field. The constant attendance of these trainings and conferences have contributed to my profession. I am dedicated to continuously seeking professional development to fulfill my duty as a lifelong learner.

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01| Parent Letters

These letters are a great way to introduce yourself professionally to both students and parents. These are informative letters and should go out about once a month 

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02 | Conferences and Training's

Attending conferences and training's are important in maintaining professionalism because, as a teacher  I am a lifelong learner. My favorite training  was by Dr. Gayle Gorke. She provided an exceptional behavioral management training, this has been the most influential training I have attended thus far learn more about this trainer by following the QR code in  the second picture!

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